Services & Testimonials

One-to-one / Leadership Coaching

Whether leading an organization employing thousands or simply being responsible for your own actions, coaching can be a transformative experience.

Group Coaching

As an adjunct to 121 coaching, an internal coaching programme, or as a stand alone service for a team, facilitated group coaching sessions help colleagues to help themselves.

Workshop Facilitation

Coaching related skills workshops - e.g. for communication and performance management - provide a cost effective way to introduce new ways of working to groups of employees.

Internal Coach Training

Whether it's training a pool of internal coaches or developing more of a coaching culture, we can help train and support the development of internal coaching capability.

Developing Transformational Leadership Potential

Effectively, this is what all our coaching related work is about. Values-based Transformational Leadership can be seen as something of a silver bullet.  It facilitates a positive change in oneself, others and the social and organizational systems of which people are part.  It elevates motivation, morale and performance.  It promotes an authentic sense of identity, a commitment to a mission and collective endeavour.  Rather than telling others what to do, it involves becoming an inspirational role model who walks the talk.  It involves challenge and support.  It encourages others to take greater ownership for their work, while helping them develop their strengths and overcome their weaknesses.

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“The findings of scientific research are unequivocal: transformational leadership promotes: organizational agility, profitability, engagement, morale and well being - for leaders and followers alike”

Neil Griffiths

What Clients Are Saying

"You have helped us achieve more in 30 minutes than we have in the last two years."

Director of International Environmental Organisation

in response to a board level re-organizational exercise using DNA personal values profiling that enabled two key players to re-evaluate their relationship and work productively together after a period of misunderstanding and distrust

“Jane Rosser worked with me at a time of considerable personal and professional pressure.  My ask was to be challenged in my thinking and assumptions and I got that in spades.  The challenges were given with kindness and compassion and punctuated with insights, expertise and good humour.  I undertook a fundamental evaluation of my life and I have emerged as a calmer, more resilient and focused person.  My colleagues and family have noticed and asked what has caused the change.  I can thoroughly recommend working with Jane."

Head of Hospital Inspections South West CQC

“My experience working with Jane was entirely positive and energising.  Her professional style was direct with sensitivity and allowed us to hone in on primary areas efficiently and effectively.  Her insight was delivered in easily digestible form and didn’t make me work to understand it.  She was a joy to work with and I look forward to picking matters up in the future.”

CEO – IT Company

"YES! Of course, would love this.

I don’t think I realised it at the time, but I learned so much from those sessions. “in the real world”, my daughter has been troubled at school lately, just normal girl friendship things, nothing that I am overly concerned about (but still not nice) and so I have been using some of those coaching lessons (listening, leading her to her own answers)…so if not helping me at work (which I am sure it will!), then I would love the training for my life ha!!! But actually, during my 1-2-1s with line reports I am definitely doing much more listening and not always seeking to find solutions for them."

Team Leader - Health Marketing Company

in response to an invitiation from the company's HR lead to extend a recently delivered coaching skills training programme to help develop more of an internal coaching culture

If You Have Any Questions
Feel free to call Jane on
07894 082992

If we can help we will, if not we'll tell you.